How do You Know if Someone is Addicted to Food

Counseling Toolkit for August 2019

We have all experienced times when we have gone to an event and have stuffed ourselves past feeling full, or have had days we’ve turned to ice cream to make a bad day better. So what is the line between the occasional indulgence with food and an ongoing struggle with addictive eating behaviors? Given the obesity epidemic and a nation obsessed with weight issues and dieting, this is clearly an issue that does not have easy answers and can be complicated and frustrating for both the person struggling with the problem and for those involved in understanding and supporting them.

This month’s tool is an assessment that you can use with clients to clarify whether they have addictive behavior with food, which could be the first step in helping them figure out what level of care they might need. This is important, because disordered eating not only affects a person’s physical health, but can also affect their mental health as well, causing anxiety and depression. In the most extreme circumstances, it can be life-threatening. The good news is that with the appropriate care, addictive food behaviors can be treated. Starting next month, Redeemer Counseling will be offering a counseling group on emotional eating. To find out more information, please visit our group counseling webpage.

Kate Glerup, PhD
